To everyone who voted for Trump and the fascists: YOU voted for white supremacy, hate, fascism, racism, misogyny, loss of freedoms, and high prices. YOU voted for a malignant narcissist who doesn’t give a shit about you or your needs. He is a rapist, a felon, an adulterer, misogynist, racist, and a traitor. Never again open your mouths about values, morals, or your faith. You have none of those things.
1. To all the democrats who did not vote or, God forbid, voted for Trump. Don’t talk to me, don’t whine, just keep your mouth shut, when your prices go up, when grocery stores don’t have the foods you want; when your healthcare disappears; when your daughters move to countries where they are safe; when you get laid off; when your 401K tanks; or when your SSI & Medicare get cut or taken away.
2. To the republicans who voted for Fascism - there is a place in hell waiting for you. As I stated for the dems above, I don’t want to hear anymore your incessant, masochistic whining and complaining, when your wounds were self inflicted.
3. To the Hispanics and Asians who voted for Trump and the fascists, better have your bags packed. It doesn’t matter if you are a naturalized citizen. He said he was going to denaturalize and deport all of you. This was your chance to protect yourselves.
4. To the union workers who voted for Trump and the fascists, I will pray every night that YOUR jobs are the first to be cut and that your factories will be the ones that shut and move to other countries because of the tariffs.
5. To the men who voted for Trump, I pray the women in your lives leave you and go somewhere safe. You do not love them. You refused to protect them. You deserve to live lonely, empty lives.
6. To the women who voted for Trump and the fascists, you voted for your own, your daughters, and sister’s death sentences. Sure you may have voted to enshrine abortion in your state constitution, but if the democrats don’t take the majority in the house, the fascists will enact a federal ban. Your state constitution will mean nothing. I don’t want to hear about your pain and suffering or your loss of rights. You voted to be tortured and punished.
To all of you who complain about anything, I will ask you who you voted for and if it was for Trump and the fascists, I will slap you silly. Trump has said that he loves his base because they are uneducated. That is you. You are who he is talking about. You are masochists. Gluttons for punishment. When he spews his lies about the US being a 3rd world country and a garbage dump, he’s talking about you and more importantly, he’s telling you what he is going to do to this country.